Guided Autobiography
Write and share stories from your life
in a small group setting

Guided Autobiography, an amazing shared experience, powerful and deep, while fun, upbeat, and supportive.
Write about important life themes
Share in a small group setting
​Receive positive, nurturing feedback
Enhance your well-being
Knit together the threads of your life
Participate in a new community
Take the first or additional steps in writing your memoir
Facilitate life transitions by mining your history
Experience a therapeutic process that is not therapy
Enhance your life:
Periodic 4 and 6 week programs
2 hour sessions once a week, dates TBD
4 or 6 unique life themes explored
Writing and sharing in a small group (maximum 6 people)
Via Zoom, Senior Center, or local, comfortable home setting
Facilitated by a licensed psychologist who is also a professional writer & Certified GAB Instructor
Fees available on request
Let me know your thoughts:
Contact me:
by phone: 650-380-1380
by email: