Inward Traveler: 51 Ways to Explore the World Mindfully
Inward Traveler offers a series of adventures big and small, near and far, designed to make every moment richer and more mindfully experienced. Whether you travel across an ocean or just across a street, Inward Traveler provides ways to sense the world deeply and in the present moment. Prompts in the 51 chapters guide your explorations. Photos and illustrations compliment the text.
From the smells of the Istanbul spice market, to the stark and wind swept tip of southern Chile, and to the dead-silent mountaintops on the island of Kauai, each stand-alone mini-chapter takes you on a journey to explore inner thoughts, feelings and sensations while you tour the surrounding world.
Inward Traveler, Publication date: October 1, 2018, available at Amazon

Some photos from the book: Chilean fjords, Istanbul, Turkey spice market, Hong Kong night market
Find Your Travel Style Quiz: (A sample from the the quiz in: Inward Traveler)
Here are some questions to help you think and feel your way to your optimal travel experience. Select your best fitting answer for each question:
1. How do you see yourself?
❏ energetic, active, dynamic (3)
❏ adventurous (3)
❏ soulful, spiritual (1)
❏ worldly, sophisticated (2)
❏ quiet (1)
❏ thinking type (2)
2. How do you describe your interests?
❏ creative, artistic (1)
❏ sports, hard play (3)
❏ adventurous, thrill seeking (3)
❏ sensual, dreamy (1)
❏ educational, health oriented (2)
❏ historical (2)
3. What is your preferred environment?
❏ city, urban (3)
❏ historical (2)
❏ nature (1)
❏ rural, rustic (1)
❏ spiritual (1)
❏ calming, restful (1)
❏ exciting, invigorating (3)
4. How do you use travel?
❏ frequent but short trips (3)
❏ extended period: two weeks or more (2)
❏ immersion: months at a time (1)
❏ to invigorate, excite (3)
❏ to relax (1)
❏ to learn (2)
5. How do others see you?
❏ relaxed, laid back (1)
❏ playful, fun loving (3)
❏ worldly, sophisticated (2)
❏ mindful, reflective (1)
❏ serious (2)
❏ nature oriented (1)
6. In each of the following pairs, which describes your preferred vacation style?
❏ novel (3) vs. familiar (1)
❏ simple (1) vs. indulgent (3)
❏ slow (1) vs. fast paced (3)
❏ convenience (1) vs. hardship, challenging (3)
❏ solo (1) vs. accompanied (3)
❏ amusement (3) vs. growth (1)
❏ single focus (1)vs. multi-focal: "Tuesday, it must be Belgium" (3)
Quiz scoring:
This quiz has no right or wrong answers and tomorrow you might respond to these questions differently.
For today, reflect on your answers, then add your scores which will range from 5-15. Question #6 guides your choice of a physical setting and it is scored separately by selecting one from each pair and adding the score associated with it from 7-21.
This site will help you identify venues that are keyed to your styles and preferences.
Understanding Your Score:
Scores of 12-15 suggest: adventure, love of novelty, excitement, fast-paced, challenge, play, ultra -sports;
Scores of 9-12 suggest an orientation toward history, learning, serious and growth oriented activities which may be compatible with tours.
Scores of 5-8 suggest quiet, soulful, spiritual, mindful, creative, calming, relaxing venues and valuing alone-time.
Question 6 scoring: 7-10 suggests a slower, easier and less stressful pace while scores 16-21 suggest a more complex and hurried pace. Scores from 11-15 suggest greatest flexibility and compatibility with co-travelers, making it easier to choose a venue.